Event, Training & Internship
Step up your career and Join the revolution

Upcoming Events
Please have look on our up coming events. You can register any available event if seat capacity does not exceeds. Also, know all the criteria and terms & conditions before apply. You will be notified when your registration confirmed.
AI With Robotics Workshop
3 Day Advance Workshop
We are organizing a AI with Robotics Workshop where the students will learn how to build AI basics along with Robotics Interfacing.
Register by filling up the form and book your seats now.
Workshop Fee: INR500.00/- Per Student
Training Modules

Embedded Systems
Enter into the world of Embedded Systems and learn to create real world applications.

Advance Robotics
Learn basic robotics along with step by step guide for advance robotics applications.

PCB Designing
Printed Circuit Board design is the basic need for any electronic hobbyist or student.

3D Modelling and Design
Learn complete 3D Design and modelling of real time products.

Artificial Intelligence with Python
AI is the future. Learn to implement it using Python.

Hardware Circuit Prototyping
Prototype basic and complex circuitry with applications.

We offer various Training and Internship programs through out the year. Interested candidates can enroll to our program by filling up the form below.